How To Write A Better Price List

We all have to write a price list or menu of treatments for our beauty or hair business at some point.

But do we all give it the attention it truly deserves?

It’s a more important piece of communication that you might realise.

Continuing my series on launching a new business, this week’s blog covers the 8 things to consider when writing your price list.

You’ve found your premises, decorated and stocked it and now you’ll need to make it easy for your clients to know exactly what it is you offer.

Do this through marketing material and price lists; little menus telling all your potential clients about your selection of treatments. Here are some top tips for getting this part right:

1. Consistency

Keep all of your marketing material consistent and branded. Look at any major brand and you’ll see they use their logos on absolutely everything.

It helps build awareness of your brand and confidence in what you do.

2. Clarity

Make sure it’s clear what you do, what is involved and what a treatment costs.

You don’t want people misunderstanding what you do or what you charge and having unhappy clients – or to lose clients before they’ve even tried you because it was too hard for them to understand what you were all about.

3. Planning

A price list needs to be well thought out – do not rush it.  It’s likely you will have these price listsfor some time. You don’t want to have to reprint them further down the line because you missed something off!

4. Accuracy

All marketing material must be copy checked or read through multiple times to ensure there are no missing words or spelling errors.

Badly written marketing material will mean people quickly lose confidence in you and will make you look amateur. Get somebody else to read it first too with a fresh set of eyes!

5. Be Professional

Consider hiring a professional to design your marketing material – particularly pricelists.

A good quality pricelist will give a positive impression for your potential clients before they’ve even tried you out and they will more likely book with you if they are impressed!

6. Information

Make sure all marketing material has the following; logo, phone number, email address and website information. You may also want to include your social media handles too, but if so ensure you claim your vanity URLs first – for example and not!

7. Date Your Pricelists

It will mean you have to update your services regularly and will avoid you being caught out with old, out-of-date marketing material that may have old prices or old treatments. This also forces you to review your prices regularly.

8. Aesthetics

Make sure your price lists and marketing material are different from your competitors – people really enjoy reading a price list so make sure it’s interesting, add pictures if you can, keep it light hearted but informative and tell people exactly how they can book.

And remember – you never know where these may end up, or in whose hands!

This article was originally published in my column for Scratch magazine, the UK’s number one nail magazine.
You can read the original article here.


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