Phorest Salon Owner’s Summit Bonus Content

January 4, 2020 Ryan
Phorest Salon Owner’s Summit Bonus Content thumbnail

Well, thank you Dublin!   The Phorest Salon Owner’s Summit was an absolute blast and an awesome conference to be a part of.

Who wouldn’t want to spend the weekend with 500+ switched on salon owners all looking to grow their business?

I was delighted to be asked to speak at the event… and here’s some bonus material which I just couldn’t fit in.

Start here…

And here are some more top email tips which I simply didn’t have time to cover…

And here are some more ideas of what to send when you don’t know what to send…


Hope you found that helpful… here’s some more cool stuff I think you’ll like…


If podcasts are your thinghere’s the link to the Phorest Salon Owner’s Podcast episode I appeared on, talking about Facebook.  (Most downloaded one EVER.  Just saying).

If webinars are your thinghere’s a link to my new masterclass on increasing your salon profits which also enjoying more freedom.

If Facebook is your thinghere’s a link to our Facebook community for salon owners, Salonology Superstars, which is probably the most awesome one out there.

If Instagram is your thinghere’s the link to my account.  Give me a follow and let’s connect.

If books are your thinghere’s the link to my Amazon #1 best seller.


And just in case you forgot to take notes during my talk… here it is again…

And here’s a link to the handouts (downloadable PDF)