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Episode Show Notes
2022 is the year that you shift gears from surviving to thriving, and we’re bringing you 6 keys to help you manage exactly that!
We’ll be going deeper into aspects of salon ownership that we’ve screamed from the rooftops, like goal-setting and marketing, right through to some of the deeper secrets to salon success. What are they? You’ll have to listen on to find out…
Set yourself up for the bounceback year you deserve with this episode of The Salonology Show, and keep an eye out for our Salon Growth & Freedom Blueprint event coming soon to take it to the next level!
This episode of The Salonology Show covers:
- 6 keys to thrive this year, no matter your salon’s size or objectives
- The 3 M’s of marketing to consider in every business
- Our website feature checklist for a dazzling web experience
- How you can start delegating, and why you DEFINITELY should
- Where you can get involved with our upcoming Salon Growth & Freedom Blueprint™
This episode of The Salonology Show is sponsored by Timely. Get 50% off for 3 months with discount code SALONOLOGY at
Links and References
Find out more about our upcoming 12 week program, the Salon Growth & Freedom Blueprint™ and register for the FREE training session here.
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Hollie Power:
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Episode Highlights
“What you’ve got to do is strip back and look at it as: What is it I actually want right now? What are your goals? I’m talking about your goals in business, and I’m talking about your goals in life, because it’s quite likely that whilst they are separate, they’re going to interlink.” – 7:10 – Hollie Power
“It’s when your messaging about those beliefs, values, hobbies, interests and demographics match the clients’, that they become attracted to you and come into your world.” – 20:10 – Ryan Power
“When you’re trying to attract and retain new customers, they’re gonna go on a journey. That journey is going to start way, way, way, way, way before they come into your treatment room. That’s almost the end of their journey. Their journey begins the very first time they acknowledge your existence.” – 27:40 – Hollie Power
“Someone who finds your website and makes an inquiry is a much, much hotter prospect than someone who likes your Instagram page or photograph. The main reason is because Google is intent driven, and social media is interrupt driven.” – 40:55 – Ryan Power
“I’ll ask people why they send their children to school; ‘Well, because that’s what you do, send your kids to school so they can learn to be educated’. Why don’t you do it yourself? ‘Well, because I’m not a teacher’. Exactly! You’re also not an accountant, and you’re also not a cleaner, and you’re also not an administrator.” – 52:55 – Hollie Power