Episode 33

E033: Beat the Christmas Rush & Cut Out Comparisons with Hollie and Ryan Power #33

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Episode Show Notes


Christmas is coming, so with the rush of the holidays fast approaching it’s essential to look after your salon’s #1 asset: You!


Whether your version of switching off is training, trips out or trash TV, it’s a vital step to offloading the burdens of ‘festive burnout’. 


Join us for this week’s episode of The Salonology Show as we prepare to SMASH December; we look at de-stressing to combat the impending rush, how to alleviate some of the pesky admin work from your day-to-day life, and why making comparisons is blinding you to your true success!


This episode of The Salonology Show covers:

  • Switching off when things get hectic
  • How to reduce the admin load on your back
  • Overcoming negative self-talk & ditching the comparisons




We’ll answer your questions blind and unscripted, so if you want to hear our take on your biggest issues and toughest topics then send them through to anna@salonology.uk!


This episode of The Salonology Show is sponsored by Timely.


Get 50% off for 3 months with discount code SALONOLOGY at https://www.gettimely.com/gb/


Links and References


Ryan Power: https://www.instagram.com/itsryanpower/

Hollie Power: https://www.instagram.com/holliefromsalonology/

Salonology Superstars: https://www.facebook.com/groups/salonology

Timely: https://www.gettimely.com/gb/

Get in touch: hello@salonology.uk

Questions for future episodes: anna@salonology.uk

Join the 🌟 Salonology Gold Club 🌟 to work with us: https://www.salonologygoldclub.com/


Episode Highlights

“There was once a time where you’d have social events lined up pretty much every night of the week in the run up to Christmas. Then Christmas and Boxing Day and you see all the relatives in between. Then you’ve got New Year’s – it’s basically 2 weeks of eating & drinking. All this stuff, no exercise, no water; Yyu come back to work and you don’t feel rested. In fact, you feel worse than you were before!” – 5:20 – Ryan Power


“I know everyone says they’ll make hay while the sun shines, and it’ll be quiet in January, so we’re gonna do everything we can in December. That’s fine, extend your hours if you want to, but not at the detriment of your health, or your mental well being, or your family time, because it’s all about balance.” – 8:10 – Hollie Power


“The most simple thing for me to actually switch off – and lots of gurus would say this is probably not a good thing to do – is watch trash TV. It seems against the advice of a lot of people, but you know what I really enjoy watching trash TV, because it just takes me away to a different space where I don’t need to think about anything else.” – 11:45 – Hollie Power


“From January I think I can start running again. I say that I switch off when I’m running but I don’t really, because I’m still thinking about stuff even when I’m running, but I just think about it in a different way somehow.” – 13:00 – Ryan Power


“It’s really about working out which parts of your business you can do really well, but also enjoy and flourish at, and everything else should be going to somebody else. So if there’s a task in your business that either you don’t love, or you’re no good at, you shouldn’t be doing it. It’s as simple as that.” – 17:45 – Hollie Power


“If you’re the pilot at the front, you can’t be serving coffees on the plane, and I think people in our industry have this mindset that they can do both. You simply can’t, you have to accept that you’re best off doing where your skill set lies and passing the jobs elsewhere to somebody else.” – 21:00 – Hollie Power


“Anyone who does their own accounting; I just can’t understand the mindset behind that at all, because you give it to someone else who’s going to do a better job of it, probably save you money from tax breaks that you’re not aware of. That means it’s costing you more money and stress to do it yourself. Most of us aren’t qualified accountants, a lot of people even struggle with basic maths, let alone filling out tax return forms. You do not need to do it.” – 26:00 – Ryan Power


“Schools are a form of delegation – you put the trust in somebody else to educate your children to the level that is believed to be sufficient for people in our country. Most people feel very comfortable doing that. Remember, if you can hand over your children, you can hand over your admin” – 29:05 – Hollie Power



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