The Power Of Email
Are you doing enough to harness the power of email (excuse the pun)? Just imagine for a moment if there was a method of communication which allowed you to… – contact all of your clients and prospects, past and present, with a personalised message – have no limit to the number of characters you could […]
Why Accountability Is Key
My husband recently locked me out – on purpose! OK, it isn’t as bad as it sounds…. I kinda asked him to. You see, I have signed up for a half marathon which takes place in just over a week, and my training has been, ahem, a little limited shall we say. I imagined I’d […]
Considering What Your Clients Want
There is a point to this I promise, so do stick with me…! So, I was in the bathroom at the gym and I realised something. It’s very easy to forget what your clients want when they don’t have the same interests as you. My gym is owned by a man, and he only has […]
For When You Want To Just Hide Under The Duvet
We all have those days where it’s all too much. Where we feel if we hide under the duvet, it will all go away. I feel like that sometimes and you probably do too. In fact, most people who have their own businesses do. Because it’s OVERWHELMING! The thing is, you’re doing something special when […]
Tackling The Trolls
Business is wonderful, and so are the fantastic rewards and exciting adventures that come along with being a business owner. However, there’s one little thing that I don’t love about being the boss; people being mean online about me or my business! We all experience it; a negative review, a rude comment, an unfair complaint. […]
Spring Clean For Your Beauty Business
It’s now officially Spring time – the time to spring clean your business. Keeping things fresh and new is imperative in keeping your clients interested in what’s happening in your business. I like to take a leaf out of the High Street fashion retailers. Every Spring/Summer or Autumn/Winter, they release a new collection – and it always gets […]
Why I’m The Weirdo In Waterstones
Yes, I admit it. I am the weirdo that lurks around Waterstones for hours. For me, shopping isn’t only about stroking the fabric of a dress, or trying on shoes (even though I am a Jimmy Choo addict) but actually about wandering round the packed shelves of my local Waterstones – and yes, I do […]
Stop Being Scared Of Sales! My Top 8 Tips To Selling More
Sales is something we shy away from and are so often scared of, but it’s something we should embrace and enjoy, because a good sales strategy can double your income, increase your profits and help you build relationships with your clients. It’s easy to feel a little nervous about sales, but understanding sales can really boost […]
The Power Of Email Marketing
Email marketing a powerful string to your marketing bow that so few take proper advantage of – yet really should – as it can make a HUGE difference to your business. I’ve explored how to communicate to clients using blogs and Facebook, but email marketing is just as important, if not more so. Put it like this… imagine you’ve just […]
It’s A (Marketing) Jungle Out There!
Having a business can be the most amazing and exciting career move ever – but it can also be very stressful! Not only are we company owners, proprietors or directors; we are also therapists, managers, cleaners, accountants, customer service agents and marketers. The thing with beauty and hair is they are ‘hands on’ businesses. We […]
A Blog Post About Blogging!
So today I wanted to write a blog about blogging! Blogging is a massively underused tool that can really help your business – and everyone should be jumping on the blog bus and getting involved. You may be reading this and thinking the same two things that many people have said to me before; 1. What on earth […]
How I Cured My Salon Booking System Headache
UPDATE: June 2020 – We now have a more complete salon software guide. Simply click here. My team’s faces all looked a little unsure when I suggested we drag our booking system into the digital age. We’d been operating 6 years at the time and had always run everything from a diary that sat upon the […]