3 Ways To Make 2015 Your Best Year Ever

January 2, 2015 Hollie Power
3 Ways To Make 2015 Your Best Year Ever thumbnail

If you’re anything like me then every year you make a commitment to yourself to make the coming year your best year ever.

If you don’t then perhaps you should.

Remember that life is a journey and if we continue to make steps in the right direction then eventually we will reach our destination.

So it figures that if we can improve each year then we’ll get there all the sooner and be able enjoy the views.

So how do we go about making sure that this year is better than last, and ideally the best year ever?

Here are my top three pointers to make 2015 a absolute cracker.

1. Make some goals.

What do you want to achieve for 2015? Your goals may be business or personal and you may have lots of them. That’s fine. The bigger the better.

Firstly, get them written down. Secondly, make them as specific as you can. A goal of ‘I want to sell £20,000 of products before 1st June 2015” is much better than “I want to make more money”.

Thirdly, put a deadline on your goals and commit mentally do achieving them. Get these deadlines down everywhere; on your iphone, in your diary and on your calendar.

Lastly, try and do something every day which brings you closer to achieving your goals. Remember, if we’re going in the right direction then we’ll get there.

Are your goals SMART?

Are your goals SMART?

2. What did you learn from 2014?

What did you do really well in 2014 that you can build on coming in to the new year?

Everyone had some successes and some other things which maybe didn’t quite work out as we had originally planned! How could we do things differently the next time around?

Think back to your goals for 2014 – did you achieve them? Did you even make any?! If not than that also is an interesting subpoint – we can’t hit goals we can’t see!

3. Invest in yourself, and your business.

To get to the next level in both your personal and business lives then you are going to need to invest in yourself.

Not necessarily just financially but also in terms of time. If there is a certain element of your life that you feel you like to improve then go about it. Buy a book on the subject, attend a seminar or just read up as much as you can on the topic. Invest the time required to become better than you are now.

You must also invest some time in yourself. Doing the things you love, spending time with those you love. It’s all too easy to work every hour we are sent and lose sight of why we are doing it in the first place.

We only get one chance at life. So make the most of it, and make sure you enjoy it.

What are your goals for 2015? I’d love to hear all about them in the comments below!