We’ve all been there. Those days when you just don’t seem to get anything done. Yet somehow you also haven’t stopped all day.
Sound familiar? Wonder how on earth some people manage to get far more stuff done than you?
Well I’m pretending to have all the answers but here are five things to consider so that you can get more stuff done – and hopefully keep your sanity in the process.
1. Are You Doing The Right Stuff In The First Place?
Do you have a huge long to do list but skirt around the small, easy, insignificant tasks as opposed to tacking the big ones?
If so, I feel your pain.
There was a certain time of the year when I would put off doing my tax return and would rather do literally anything else!
(I don’t have this problem now as my accountant does that for me. Which, by the way, was one of the most liberating experiences of my life! I thoroughly recommend it!).
Why not divide your to do list up further?
– urgent stuff
– non urgent stuff
– probably never get done stuff
Here’s a tip; the urgent stuff list should be things which make you money or somehow drive your business forward. Reading that book on selling, for example, should rank higher than colour coding your filing system.
Do these things first. Even if you don’t want to.
2. The Stuff You Don’t Want To Do Is Probably The Most Important Stuff To Do
Yup, all those tasks you’ve been avoiding or procrastinating on are probably the most important ones.
That client you’ve been avoiding call back.
That tax return.
You know the ones. They’ll be different for everyone but most of us have a natural inclination to do the stuff we like or enjoy first and put off the bits we’re not so keen on. The thing is, those ones you’re avoiding are probably the most important of all. So do them first. Yes, first.
But I do have some good news. Those big scary tasks really aren’t so big or scary. I promise. And once you’ve done them a couple of times you’ll not be scared anymore. And you’ll be a much improved version of yourself for conquering it.
This also leads me into more good news…
3. All The Action Happens Outside Of Your Comfort Zone
We all like to naturally operate within our comfort zone.
We like a routine. We like to know that everything is just so. We like the feeling of familiarity where we are at ease and in control.
The thing is, nothing spectacular happens there.
You need to take some risks every now and then. Stepping out of your comfort zone raises anxiety and generates a stress response. This in turn results in an enhanced levels of focus and concentration. We actually improve. It’s just a matter of taking that first step.
To quote Neale Donald Walsch, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone“.
In this case that means doing those tasks you’ve been putting off.
4. Plan In Advance
“Failing to plan is planning to fail” Alan Lakein
Once you know what you need to get done then make a plan and stick with it! Of course, I don’t need to tell you that the sticking with it is the hard bit!
Write it down, put a date in your diary to do certain tasks and commit to getting them done on those days no matter what.
This may seem difficult at first however it will get easier as you subconsciously train yourself to continually do what you’ve committed to.
I know what you’re thinking, ‘there are so many distractions’! Well that brings me on to my final tip…
5. Turn Off Your Mobile Phone
There are seldom calls which are so important that they can’t wait an hour.
Get into the habit of turning off your phone so you can concentrate fully on the task at hand.
At the very least turn off your Facebook notifications!
Focus on the task you’re working on and keep going until it’s done. Don’t just quickly check WhatsApp or your emails. They will only defer the time it’s taking you.
Just imagine if you were on a plane – you can’t keep checking your emails there every two minutes!
And if you work for yourself and there is nobody else to take client calls then the answer is just as simple. Do these tasks at a time when nobody will call you anyway. 6am would be a good time…
Do you have any top tips for getting more stuff done? I’d love to hear your ideas; just leave a comment below!