Episode Show Notes
As we’re bombarded with tens of THOUSANDS of ads in a day, it’s tough to stay memorable, so with the festive season upon us it’s essential now more than ever to highlight what makes you uniquely… well, you!
Whether it’s a social campaign, becoming a Google My Business wizard, or simply placing a giant pink gorilla in your salon, staying at the forefront of people’s minds is an ever-growing challenge.
In this week’s Salonology Show we’re looking at the marketing tips that’ll help you stand out from the crowd this Christmas, sharing how we’d do things differently knowing what we know now, and whose shoes we’d jump into given the opportunity.
This episode of The Salonology Show covers:
- What we’d do differently with the knowledge we know now
- The #1 marketing tip for standing out in an increasingly competitive marketplace
- How to maximise your presence on Google My Business
- Which famous icons’ shoes we would step into for a day
We’ll answer your questions blind and unscripted, so if you want to hear our take on your biggest issues and toughest topics then send them through to anna@salonology.uk!
This episode of The Salonology Show is sponsored by Timely.
Get 50% off for 3 months with discount code SALONOLOGY at https://www.gettimely.com/gb/
Links and References
Ryan Power: https://www.instagram.com/itsryanpower/
Hollie Power: https://www.instagram.com/holliefromsalonology/
Salonology Superstars: https://www.facebook.com/groups/salonology
Timely: https://www.gettimely.com/gb/
Get in touch: hello@salonology.uk
Questions for future episodes: anna@salonology.uk
Join the 🌟 Salonology Gold Club 🌟 to work with us: https://www.salonologygoldclub.com/
Episode Highlights
“Because we had a very large business, a lot of rooms, and a lot of staff, we offered lots and lots of different things. Whereas I probably would have streamlined our offering a little bit more from the beginning, and pushed through with the higher ticket items from the beginning” – 6:35 – Hollie Power
“As much as we can set our business up in a way that we think ‘I want to sell just this treatment’, if your clients aren’t buying it and that’s not something people want, then it’s not going to work. You’ve got to be reactive to your environment as well as proactive when you’re riding out this business, because every salon is different” – 8:35 – Hollie Power
“That concept of ‘If I have the money, then I’ll be happier, or do things differently’ typically isn’t true at all, which is why most lottery winners lose all of their money. They’re the same person that they were before, and they’re not someone who has grown that money or knows how to invest it or save it.” – 10:50 – Ryan Power
“Let’s talk about festive promotions. It’s obviously a hugely busy time for salons up and down the country, lots of people are going to be doing various promotions and posts to get people in. That means that your client is going to be seeing not only a lot of yours, but a lot of other people’s as well. If it’s boring, it’s not going to stand out, and it’ll be glossed over.” – 16:20 – Ryan Power
“Our friends up in Aberdeen have a giant zebra in the Aberdeen School of Beauty Therapy. It’s quite cool, but also what happens every time you see it? You’re gonna take a photo of it. I posted a photo of it, and everyone who sees it takes a selfie with it and posts it.” – 19:20 – Ryan Power
“For ‘Google My Business’, I think it’s more important for people who don’t know who we are and don’t know what we do to make it useful for them, to help them make buying decisions and to understand what we do. Whereas on Facebook and Instagram, I assume that people already know at least a little bit about us or they wouldn’t be following, therefore I want to take them to a slightly deeper level.” – 22:35 – Ryan Power
“Change the file name of pictures and add tags to the photo, which are basically hidden to the client. It’s a bit fiddly to do on a phone, but really really simple to do on a desktop. Is it a pain in the backside? Does it take a bit longer to do it? Yes. Is it worth it? In my opinion, Yes. How many other people do you think do that? Probably none.” – 24:25 – Ryan Power
“I would be the president for the day, but I wouldn’t want to do all the rubbish stuff. I’d just go and do a day of fun stuff; go on a private jet somewhere, and I would change a law or something” – 26:25 – Hollie Power