Getting Balance In Your Business – And Maintaining Your Sanity!
Running a business can be stressful and the addition of bills, rent, staff wages and such can be a knee trembler. It can affect how we think, and we tend to throw ourselves right into the business and try and fix things, when sometimes its more productive to step away and take a look from the […]
It’s All About The Choices You Make
Beep! Beep! Beep! Goes your alarm. You’ve been having an awesome dream that involves Channing Tatum and and you’ve been dragged back to reality by the relentless buzz of your phone’s ‘wake me up’ app. You have two choices… 1. Press snooze, snuggle under the covers and think of Magic Mike 2. Get out of […]
It’s All About Your Positive Mental Attitude
Yup, it’s all about your positive mental attitude. To be honest, I was never a positive mental attitude person. I wasn’t the kid that sprung out of bed, or the teenager that always looked on the bright side. In fact, I was quite the opposite! I loved my bed and hated the world through my teens […]