Why Your Facebook Personal Profile Might Unlock Everything For Your Salon

Salon mentor Ryan Power

If you’re anything like the average business owner then there’s every chance your Facebook business page has died a slow and painful death over recent times. The days of being able to throw a post up and have it seen by half of your audience have long since evaporated. Today? You’ll be lucky if 5% […]

Should You Charge People To Come To Your Salon Event Or Open Night?

Salon events and open nights are a great way to forge relationships with clients and are an exciting way to create some buzz around your business. I was recently asked by one of our Inner Circle members whether I thought they should charge their clients to attend, or whether it should be free for everyone […]

How To Get Your Salon Featured In The Local Press

Michelle and Christian Ewen

Think it’s difficult to get local newspaper coverage for your salon? Think it’s expensive? What if we told you that when you do the right things then it can be easy… and free! Recently on the main Salonology Facebook page we welcomed Michelle and Christian Ewen from Write On Time to come and share some […]

ConvertKit Launches Free Email Plan

convert kit

As you’ll know if you’ve been in our community for any amount of time, we’re big fans of using ConvertKit for sending our email. Email has been a mainstay of our marketing strategy for many years and we still see wonderful results with it. When we owned our day spa and salon, email marketing was […]

Ryan’s Appearance On The Life Of FG Podcast

We love a good podcast as much as the next person, and we’re always thrilled when invited on as a guest. This week we were asked to appear on ‘The Life Of KG‘ podcast, hosted by the awesome Katie Godfrey. Katie is an industry powerhouse who you’re probably familiar with; she runs a chain of […]

Should You Rebrand Your Salon?

You may know that we recently rebranded our WHOLE business. Its been quite a journey from a simple Facebook page 5 years ago with my face looming at the top, to a HUGE community, tons of resources and quite a standing in the industry. We simply had to shake things up – because it had […]

Our Appearance On The Phorest Podcast

So very recently I was asked to appear on the Phorest Salon Software podcast and naturally I said yes. We were chatting about Facebook – and the blurred lines between personal and business accounts in 2019. We also ran through a whole number of strategies which anyone can implement in their business right now to […]

Alton Towers: Kings Of The Upsell

Alton Towers

So this weekend Hollie and I made our annual pilgrimage to Alton Towers.   We always try to make it once a year because, well, roller coasters! It’s fair to say we’re adrenaline junkies and running around theme parks like a pair of school children is simply one of our favourite things to do. But […]

Are You Doing Enough To Grow Your Business?

That’s a simple question, casually asked. You probably, instinctively, know the answer right now. I’m going to have a guess and state that deep down you know that you’re probably not doing enough. Because if you were then you probably wouldn’t have time for reading blogs like this one… you’d be sipping the finest champagne […]

How To Collect More TripAdvisor Reviews

Ryan’s back once again (with the Renegade Master?) with yet another lesson from the Caribbean. So it transpires that TripAdvisor is just as prevalent in the Caribbean as are mosquitos, beaming white smiles and rum (there is also a slim chance the last two are related).   In one restaurant, however, we met one gentleman who […]

A Tale From The Caribbean Via The Hard Rock Casino

Hey, Ryan here with a short tale from our recent trip to the Caribbean. Picture the scene. There we were in the Hard Rock Casino in Punta Cana, in the Dominican Republic. Dubbed as one of the biggest casinos in the Caribbean, it’s 45,000 square feet of ringing bells, flashing lights and cigar-toting Americans ‘whooping […]

A Kick Ass Marketing System For Your Business

Do you have a proper marketing system in place in your business? One which delivers clients to you week in and week out? One which is scaleable, measurable and predictable? Oh, and did I mention free to implement? Sound too good to be true? It’s not.   It’s a real thing and Ryan discusses it […]